موقع LLaVA لوصف الصور بالاعتماد على الذكاء الاصطناعي AI

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شارك معنا صديقنا رياض أسوم هذا الموقع الرائع, الذي يحاكي gpt4 في ميزة التعرف على محتوى الصور ووصفها وإجراء مناقشات حولها.
تعتمد ردود الموقع على chat GPT أيضا.
افتح الموقع من الرابط: llava.hliu.cc.
تحرك إلى Drop Image Here- or -Click to Upload اضغط وحدد أي صورة تريد رفعها للتعرف على محتواها.
اضغط حرف e للانتقال إلى مربع التحرير الثاني في الصفحة باسم Textbox واكتب سؤالك عن الصورة, اضغط enter وانتظر الرد.
قد يفشل الرد أحيانا بسبب الضغط, اضغط على زر Regenerate لمحاولة الحصول على نص جديد.
الموقع لا يدعم العربية, ولا يدعم OCR للتعرف على النص في الصور, لكن يمكن أن يحدد لك ما هو نوع النص, لغته, والمزيد.
يمكن إجراء محادثة حول الصورة, كأن تطلب وصف للصورة, فإذا ذكر لك إمرأة أو رجل, يمكن طلب معلومات أكثر تفصيلا عنهم.
على سبيل المثال, في المرة الأولى اكتب describe image
إليكم بعض الردود من تجاربي وتجارب بعض الأصدقاء:
The image depicts a young man dressed in a white robe and a green pilgrim’s hat, which can suggest that he is participating in a religious event or visiting a site of religious significance, such as a mosque, church, or temple. The pilgrim’s hat may also indicate that he is a traveler on a spiritual journey.
The scene is set in a location with other people around, likely engaging in similar activities or visiting the same site. The young man looks directly at the camera, giving us a clear view of his facial features and expression. There isn’t any visible sign of disability or any other distinguishing characteristic.
The photograph captures a moment of shared spiritual experience, reflecting the unity and connectedness of people in a religious setting. It can also serve as a reminder of the importance of cultural and religious understanding, as well as the personal and collective journeys that individuals undertake to explore faith and meaning in their lives.
رد آخر:
The image shows a dark screen with a command prompt or text editor, likely a part of a Windows operating system, and the terminal is filled with text. It seems like the computer is running a command or displaying output from a command that was entered. The command prompt is located in the lower-left corner, occupying a small portion of the screen. The screen content mainly consists of text, which could be part of a script, error message, or any other type of textual output.
رد آخر:
As a large language and vision assistant, I can observe that the man in the image has just graduated, as he is wearing a cap and gown. He is smiling, showing happiness and pride in his accomplishment. To help him, you can offer congratulations and encouragement, or guide him in exploring potential career paths or options for further education. Additionally, you could assist him with creating a resume or cover letter, as well as provide information on job opportunities, internships, or graduate programs based on his interests and skills.
describe the man as seen in the photo
The man in the photo is a young individual with a headache, making him appear somewhat unhappy or uncomfortable. Aside from his possible discomfort, there are no specific details about his appearance or clothing visible in the image.
what’s in the image?
The image features a man with a professional appearance, wearing a suit and tie, standing in front of a green hedge. The man looks well-dressed and is posing for a photo. It seems like he could be a businessman or an executive.
describe the image
The image features a woman wearing a hijab and a brown sweater, leaning on a car door and smiling. She appears to be in a good mood and is the main subject of the scene. In the background, there is a car visible, with a portion of its door and window frame showing. A small clock is also seen on the car’s side, providing a sense of time in the setting.
سؤال مرتبط:
how old is the woman?
The woman is described as a young girl, so she likely appears to be in her teens or early twenties.
سؤال مرتبط:
write a poem about the image
يمكن أن نكتب محادثات على هذا الشكل إلى ما لا نهاية.
أخبرونا إذا كانت هذه المواضيع تهمكم لمتابعة النشر بهذا الخصوص.
جزيل الشكر لصديقنا الأستاذ رياض أسوم على مشاركة الموقع معنا.

عن Qais Alrefai

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